

In the summer of 1998, as an oblivious 13 year old I desperately tried to install the newest craze in personal computing known to me - Redhat Linux - on my dodgy home assembled PC. Little did I realise, the Cyrix M2 processor combined with the el-cheapo SIS 6250 graphics card would mean that I wouldn’t be able to render the Linux GUI Desktop (GNOME and KDE were available GUI desktops on Red Hat at the time) properly. Since commandlines weren’t exciting me at the time, I started endlessly searching on Altavista and Yahoo.com for a hack (I only discovered Google in late 1999). After days of mucking about with X11 configuration files, I managed to get the Linux GUI working. As I congratulated myself on my search engine/vi/linux skills - I decided that computers were going to be my thing.

I have been “computering” for a long time. I started my career as a Red Hat Linux Administrator managing server farms, writing dodgy bash scripts, subnetting private networks and creating load balancers for DNS. As my professional interests evolved, I got into Data (because managing linux clusters gets boring after a while). I also thought that the “Data thing” might take off and it might make a good skill to build a career around.

I am “less technical” these days than I used to be in 1998 or 2008 for that matter. These days I pass myself as a consultant and advisor to CDOs, CIOs and CFOs at large Australian organistions advising them on strategies to maximise business performance using Data, Analytics and ML. I get to practice my craft at Deloitte Australia where I am a Partner and I am lucky I get to work with some amazing people. My passion is building high performing engineering teams that build amazing solutions to solve some of the hardest problems using data and cloud.

Views on this blog are mine and do not represent those of Deloitte Australia or any of my previous employers.

Eshaan and I at Sunshine coast

Outside work, I enjoy motorcycling, camping, gaming and beach time with the family.